Saturday, February 6, 2016

STAAD Training in Gurgaon

STAAD.Pro is a structural analysis and design software which is specifically built for simulating the effects of external loads on any type of structure, thereby affecting the design of that structure. Regardless of complexity of the structure, aluminium, concrete, timber and cold-formed steel projects can be designed quite effectively using STAAD.Pro. In addition, users can perform foundation analysis and design using STAAD.Foundation software.

Tickoo Institute of Emerging Technologies (TIET) provides exclusive package for the STAAD training in Gurgaon, India. STAAD training has been designed for students/professionals to enable them to gain a thorough understanding of this software. At TIET Gurgaon, you can avail the wonderful opportunity of learning from our expert instructors who have authored textbooks on latest civil engineering software packages. These textbooks are published and used in countries like USA, Canada, Europe, South Korea, Serbia, Russia, and India.

To get the latest information about our textbooks, videos, teaching/learning resources, consulting, and training, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the information about our latest video tutorials.

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