Wednesday, December 2, 2015

BIM Awareness Program for Academics

School of Architecture and Planning
K.R Mangalam University, Gurgaon
9th November, 2015

The last decade has seen a tremendous rise in object oriented and parametric modeling technology. This rapid rise has generated interest in the academic world and the architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry for this technology. Several construction firms have realized the potential of growth by using this technology, and have already started their own building information modeling divisions. As such, the academic world has started realizing the need to capture this technology to further aid and enrich the learning process and, at the same time, cater to the needs of the industry of producing quality students ready to take on this new challenge.

In the wake of the need of promoting BIM, Tickoo Institute of Emerging Technologies (Gurgaon), has initiated a campaign, BIM Awareness Program, at various academic institutions in North India. The objective of this program is to educate the students of Architecture and Civil Engineering (undergoing B.Tech/B. Arch courses) about the need of BIM technology in the AEC Industry.

This program was conducted at the campus of K.R. Mangalam University on 9th November 2015 for the students of 2nd Year (B. Arch course). The key speaker of this workshop was Mr. Manash Chatterjee (Faculty-TIET, Author, and BIM Implementation Specialist). Various features of BIM and its principles were also discussed in the workshop. The Dean of the Architecture Dept., Faculties of Architecture, and 27 Students of B.Arch (2nd Year) attended the program. The program was well appreciated and the students revealed keen interest in learning the BIM technology while pursuing their B. Arch course. TIET will also soon conduct a Boot Camp and Design Competition for the Architecture students in the campus to motivate the students to learn this technology.

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